Mail List Scrubber
What is Mail List Scrubber Technology??
With today's data coming in from all sources� the web� over the phone� reply's through the mail and even data referral services� it leaves a lot of room for erroneous data entry. You may not even know it, but a large portion of your data may be in-accurate and therefore undeliverable. Our very own Mail List Scrubber� has the ability to evaluate address data and make the necessary corrections so you have the comfort of knowing your mail pieces will actually make it to their correct destinations. Our Mail List Scrubber� even has the capability to format your mail lists for print aesthetics, by processing your data to be properly Title-Cased, Special Name Cased, Company Acronym Cap-Cased, Company Structure Cap-Cased and Professional Title Cap-Cased. We can even do more than that! Our Mail List Scrubber� has the capability to make all your Greetings for you, based on matched-name titles found, creating Professional Salutations to completely personalize your mailings. It will give your mailings the edge you need to professionally and respectfully endorse individuals you don't currently have formal relationships with so your mail pieces get taken seriously. Our data processing capabilities are truly awesome and will leave you absolutely AMAZED!!
Click here to see why Mail Personalization is so important!
To get started simply follow the steps below. A confirmation email will be sent right to you, so you can be assured that your data is handled properly. Once we get your email approval back, we will then go ahead and begin your list clean-up! How's that for simplicity!