The Wayback Machine -

Personalized Salutation Creation

Yes it´s true, Personalization is POWER!

If a response is what you are looking for then before you send anything out by mail, ask yourself a very relevant question, "Is what I am mailing something generic without concern to the particular individual who´s receiving it?" If you answer is "NO" then you have a perfect candidate for Mail Piece Personalization. Mail savvy people know the difference! They know to look at the whole package, the style of the envelope, the envelope´s color, the package´s applied postage (stamp, meter, permit mark) and yes, to whom and how the piece is addressed. The next thing the mail recipient looks for is the relevancy of the contents to them. If the enclosed letter is specific only to them and greets them in the most professional manner possible than you have their attention! With so many different things being pull out of our mailboxes, without personalization we would just assume it´s just NOT THAT IMPORTANT.

We add real value to you mail with our Salutation Creation & Personalization Technology.

There is only "1" absolute way to ensure what you are delivering by mail gets taken seriously and that is to PERSONALIZE IT! Mail Piece Personalization is especially important when your objective is to start a new relationship or you´ve not yet been acquainted. We have the ability to create title specific greetings for you, so you can be absolutely sure your important message gets delivered to each recipient with the respect they deserve. How´s that for Personalization Power!