Saving Money With Our Targeted Mail Lists
Here's an example on how our targeted mail lists save you real money:
A brand new Kids Center just opened in town. They offer a wide range of activities for kids including playrooms and playscapes that are available for use by children ages 2 to 12. This new Kids Center is located at the heart of the town and has approximately 8,500 homes within it. If we were to target those homes in the town with children presently living in them we would come up with only 3,400 homes, a reduction of 60% less homes. If we take it one step further and only target those homes with children presently living in them that were just aged 2-12, which is the age group they service, we would now come up with a total of only 2,400 homes, a reduction of an additional 30% less homes than those with children present of all ages, or from our town count of 8,500 homes, a total reduction of almost 72% less homes in all. This type of savings is very easy to quantify; the less you mail, the less you have to print, the less mail preparation is required and the less postal fees you will have… meaning you save a whole lot of money!
The simple fact is spending 72% less on anything is a lot less no matter what it is! For the purpose of future marketing, there's a couple of ways you can quantify the savings, by coverage or by dollar, either way you can do a lot more than you initially thought you could by targeting the right consumer group. If you initially budgeted to reach all the homes in your town, then by utilizing our targeted approach you can now afford to reach out even further by mailing out to as many as 2.5 more towns. Or, your could really make an impression to the same 2,400 homes with children present aged 2-12 by mailing them 2.5 more mail campaigns, which would surely get your point across. Or, simply just put the extra savings right back into your pocket! Either way savings is savings. Marketing the smart way will always put you ahead of the game and once you´ve learned how to fully take advantage of what we do you will surely become a Marketing Savvy Pro!