The Wayback Machine -

Campaigner Assistant

Our Campaigner Assistant is here to help YOU!

Your results will help us determine where you stand on the completion of
your mailing or campaign. We can even provide assistance and suggestions.
Let's get it DONE!!

Follow the Campaigner Assistant Meter to Track Your Progress.

Update Your Campaigner Assistant Here!

To get started simply choose from the categories below the selections the best meet your campaign's objectives and details. When you have completed the Campaigner Assistant, go ahead and click the Save Your Campaign Requirements button. A confirmation email will be sent right to you, detailing your progress and the steps left to complete along with suggestions on how to complete them so your campaign is a BIG SUCCESS!

Marketing Objective & Target Recipients

Select Your Marketing Position:

Visual & Branding Characteristics

Select Your Campaign Print Style:

Communication & Promo Characteristics

Select the Progress of Your Content Essentials:


Select the Purpose of Your Campaign:


Select the Progress of Your Branding Essentials:


Select the Progress of Your Promo Essentials:


Select Your Target Recipients:


Select the Progress of Your Graphic Essentials:


Select Recipients Means of Response: